Encryption and Import Administration Regulations

, 26/06/2021, 17:06 GMT+7

On July 01, 2016 Decree of the sale and provision of civil cryptography products and services and the exportation or importation of civil cryptography products was published in the Vietnam Government.

Here is a summary of the changes made to license by this rule.

Encryption items fall under the appendix for Information Security.

Appendix 1: Cryptographic product list Security; (e.g., items that use cryptography)

You can find a Quick Reference Guide

Appendix 2: List of cryptography products Requires License exported and imported.

You can find a Quick Reference Guide

Appendix 3: The template of submitting a license application request.

Go here for more information on Types of Licenses 

The main importation or exportation license is used for items in Appendix 1. Most encryption products can be exported to most destinations under license, once the exporter has complied with applicable reporting and classification requirements. Some items going to some destinations require licenses.

Encryption Items subject to Appendix 1:

Stored data security products. Use cryptography for data confidentiality ('cryptography for data confidentiality’ means “cryptography” that employs digital techniques and performs any cryptographic function other than any of the following:


“Authentication” is defined as Verifying the identity of the user, process, or device, often as a prerequisite to allowing access to resources in an information system. This includes verifying the origin or content of a message or other information, and all aspects of access control where there is no encryption of files or text except as directly related to the protection of passwords, Personal Identification Numbers (PINs), or similar data to prevent unauthorized access.

Digital signature;

Data integrity;

Items must have “information security” as a primary function; be digital communications or networking systems; or be computers or other items having information storage or processing as a primary function.

Information security: Items whose primary function “Information Security”. All the means and functions ensuring the accessibility and confidentiality or integrity of information or communication, but are not limited to firewalls, instruction detection systems, key exchange, key storage…

Digital Communication or networking systems, equipment, or component.

Items must are communication systems for sending or receiving information. This may include things such as routers, switches, wireless access points, hubs, gateways, VoIP…

More examples may include network management, virtual private networking (VPN), wireless personal area networking (WPAN)…